Buy Buttons for Clothes in Russia

Кнопки для одежды - это маленькие круглые или плоские предметы, которые используются для закрепления одежды. Они могут быть изготовлены из разных материалов, таких как пластик, металл, дерево или кость, и могут иметь разные формы, размеры и цвета.

Traditional Russian clothing was a way of expressing one’s identity. It not only protected a wearer from the elements, but also conveyed information about a person’s marital status, age and origin.

Buttons were an important part of a person’s dress. They were made from tin, which disintegrates at temperatures below 56degF.

Decorative Buttons

Decorative buttons for clothes were an important part of Russian fashion in the old days. The fanciful button may have been an inlaid stone, or it might have been made of gold or silver. For the most part, though, buttons were a functional item, used to hold a thread or other sewing material or to fasten a jacket, cap or skirt.

The most expensive, and best looking, was likely the gilded button. Unlike today, the gold and silver ones were only available to the wealthy, who would have likely bought them at a jeweler's or fancy department store. This was the era when the richest people in Russia could afford to splurge on the finest materials.

Using these materials for decorative purposes required a lot of planning, research, and patience. The best and most successful designs were probably those that made the most of the limited supply of precious materials.

Fashion Buttons

Russian designer Gosha Rubchinskiy, born in 1984 in Moscow is known for his streetwear style and references to Russia with Cyrillic writing or colours of the flag on his designs. He is also known for his architectural cuts and high quality fabrics.

These Metal Russian Buttons are a great way to spice up your jackets or coats. Each button is 3/4" diameter and features a Soviet Star in the center. They are perfect for transforming any mass-produced garment into a political statement!

Fashion plus politics equals fun. But that doesn't mean there aren't serious issues with the domestic supply chain in Russia. For example, President Vladimir Putin's newest car model doesn't have airbags or antilock brakes; smartphones don't work properly; food packaging has to be printed without labels. The list goes on. The story of the mislabeled button is one of many that illustrate the problem. Learn more in this Science Xplained video. The video has been updated with new material.

Party Buttons

Whether you're planning a wedding or just want to spruce up your favorite pair of jeans, a party button has never been this much fun. Luckily, you can buy a variety of party buttons in Russia from the tiniest to the largest at your local discount retailer. Not only that, but you'll also be able to buy party-themed gifts for your friends and family members as well. The best part is, you can do it all in one place!

Military Buttons

If you want to dress up a jacket with a Russian military feel, then buy these metal Soviet army buttons for clothes. These military buttons have a golden color and a star crest with the hammer and sickle in the center. They come in two sizes, 14 mm and 22mm. They are a perfect addition to any cold war era uniform!

President Vladimir Putin recently mentioned that his country’s economy is facing a difficult time, and it has impacted foreign supply chains. Buttons for clothing, food packaging and smartphones are among the examples he noted. As a result, Russia is trying to substitute the missing buttons for its own. The Kremlin argued that if the domestic button industry could survive the economic collapse, it would help soften the blow of the global recession. Whether this strategy will work, or not, remains to be seen. But it’s an interesting theory to consider. Especially since tin, the most common metal used to make military buttons, is becoming scarce in severe weather.